nimaazx wrote: 
> thank you but I think it is for server side. for example this command
> for using to detect players state.
> <playerid> connected ?
> Returns the connected state of the player, 1 or 0 depending on the state
> of the TCP connection to the player. SLIMP3 players, since they use UDP,
> always return 1.
> Examples:
> Request: "04:20:00:12:23:45 connected ?<LF>" 
> Response: "04:20:00:12:23:45 connected 1<LF>"
> i need something else, vice versa...
> detecting server status from client side (zero w)
> or detecting my zero w is connected to server.
> if connected led is going to be on.
> disconncted or lms server not found/led off.

The CLI command will be issued ot the LMS server by the pie Zero w. This
means there is a network connection between player Pi and LMS server Pi.
The reponse to the command "connected" tells yo8i the Servers can see
the player and the TCP connection on port 3483 is OK and working.   If
player is not connected to LMS as seen by LMS then connected state will
be zero - you can only get this result from a Pi zero W when the TCP
connection to server Pi is OK - so you cna be sure the network
connection is oK but the player cxonnection on port 3483 is not OK.

The ability to make a telnet connection to CLI port on LMS - means the
LMS server is OK - what more do you need ?

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