I fiddled around with spare hardware and tried to setup a set of  pcp6
nodes separate from the working ones.
A cloned SD for the Pi4 started without any issues in the pi3Bplus, but
the boot seamed shorter, especially the wired nic initialisation.

But I failed to get a pi zero going with an USB wired nic.
I remembered to get net-usb installed to recognise the hardware but on
this 6.00.B1 attempt it did not work.
Perhaps the repository version isn't matching this build?
Can anyone remind  me on the correct way to install USB nic support?


Pi based multi-room audio system powered by PiCorePlayer(s):
Pi3B with Phat-dac in a Rasptouch, 2 pi B+ with Cirrus Logic Audio Card,
Pi Zero with Phat-beat ,  and a few other tests...
M-H's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66156
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=110727

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