I have just bought a RPi 4 to create a new Squeezebox emulator.  I have
flashed the PiCorePlayer 5.0.0 image onto a 32GB microSD card using the
recommended software.
I have then inserted it into the slot on the RPi, plugged in a network
cable connected directly to my router and then powered up the RPi using
their own 3A/5v power supply.

The red LED comes on, the green LED flashes briefly then goes out. I
understand that there should be more activity from the green LED showing
that the microSD is being accessed.  I have tried the same using a new
16GB microSD with the same result. I have also tried both cards with
PiCorePlayer 4.1.0 and have tried flashing with a different computer
using a USB card reader, but no joy.

I know the software is not being accessed as there is no network
connection created.

I have built two other SB players successfully, both using the RPi 3,
both working first time out of the box, so I have no idea what to do
next. Am I missing something?

Does this sound like a damaged RPi?  Both microSD cards were brand new,
so I doubt it would be those.

Many thanks for any help.

*SqueezeBoxes:* A *'piCorePlayer'
(https://sites.google.com/site/picoreplayer/home)* with two Duets, one
no longer in active service.
*Server:* Synology DS214 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.9.1
*Network:* TP-Link Archer VR200 router, TP-Link access point
*Livingroom:* Duet, Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/110/Headline amp, B&W CM2
*Kitchen:* piCorePlayer, Tibo powered speakers.
TheLastMan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=16021
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=110642

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