> have an option called mixer settigs and be able to choose between SW /
> HW / Disable Mixer (and by the way volume control)
> The disable option gives a 0db, volume 100% and force me to control
> volume on my amp. I guess this is the "bitperfect" solution for my
> setting.

pCP is quite a bit lighter weight.

SW Mixer is the default:  You should be able to set your mixer to 0DB,
and save the settings.....Done. 

For Hardware Volume, you need to know the name of the hardware Volume
control.  In most cases it is PCM for USB based products.  But expand
the -V option on the squeezelite page, and you will see all of you mixer
controls.....you will have to select the correct one.   In the case of
the below example, the JustBoom volume control is "Digital"


To disable the volume control, I believe you can just set the -U
option.... but again, you just have to tell it that what your mixer
control is.

|Filename: 1-31-2020 4-29-28 PM.jpg                                 |
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Homepage: https://www.picoreplayer.org

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