carsten_h wrote: 
> Ok, this seems to be interesting. I think it should also be possible to
> mount the disk via smb on the Mac if this is installed in piCorePlayer?
> So I only have to let CCC to do the synchronization automatically when
> the disk is mounted.
> Or is FileZilla able to do a synchronization between both?

Yes, you can share the disk using samba on the RPi.  But again I've
never had much luck with samba shares on any of my Macs - something to
do with the SMB version?  Try it - you might have better luck than me.

I don't believe that FileZilla supports synchronisation, but the Mac has
rsync that can work with network disks, and I'm sure there are other
tools for syncing over the network.  It'll be a lot slower than over
USB3, so perhaps do an initial rsync over USB.

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