Pretty much, how to get from a git checkout to a running system.

Ok, then your best bet would probably be getting Perl 5.28 on that system. Because we have binaries for it on x86_64, armhf, and aarch64.

The Debian build file lists the following dependencies:

libc6, libgcc1, libstdc++6, zlib1g, libio-socket-ssl-perl, ca-certificates

Whatever that might be on Alpine.

Appreciate you can't provide specific instructions for Alpine, but
something along the lines of 'check out this directory, make sure perl
and these modules are installed, run the service' etc. is what you'll need to run. Run it with --help to get information about how to tell it where to find things.

And make sure you do a shallow clone. It'll still be several hundred megabytes. If you want to delete some of it, then CPAN/arch/ is a good candidate to remove everything you don't need for your platform. And Bin/.


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