Think I forgot to reboot after updating extension yesterday. Now
streaming in WAV format.

Thanks all for the help. Will probably revert to FLAC when that starts
working again but just fine now and my home network is more than able to
carry this traffic. 

I live close to a BBC radio transmitter (250kW) and have a good radio
tuner which can be tuned from an Android App. As I also have a home VPN
server I can theoretically receive my favourite FM channels in WAV
format worldwide. Not that I'm inclined to roam the world at the moment.

*Music Store & VPN Server: *Synology DS215J NAS*
Home Server/Study Player:* LMS 8.0.0 on Pi 4 pCp 6.1.0 Server/IQ Audio
*Refurbished 1962 RCA Stereo Console Server/Player *LMS 8.0.0 on Pi 4B
pCp 6.1.0 Server/IQ Audio DAC+
*Headphone Players: x2:* pCp 6.1.0 on Pi 3B /IQ Audio DAC+
*Streamer/Player* pCp 6.1.0 on Pi 3B/IQ Audio Codec+
*Homeplug/LAN Players: x2: *Squeezelite on Windows 10 PC.
*VPN Mobile & Car Player:* Material/SqueezePlayer on Android Phone
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