OK, partially solved and good enough for now!  I have not yet been able
to get this to work on just the LMS server box, but I have another
Ubuntu box that is usually on and was not hosting any web services. 
Maybe I'll fire up a spare rpi as something lower powered so I don't
need to keep this other box fired up unnecessarily.  Anyway, solutions
was as follows:

1) install tinyproxy
2) update the conf file to listen on port 80, ReverseOnly Yes, and
ReversePath "/" "http://lmsIP:9000";

Now as long as the other box is up and running, then calls to port 80 on
that machine proxies to port 9000 on the LMS machine.  I've tested and
this is working.   

I tried this with a virtual network device on the LMS server, but when
doing that, everything on the new IP seemed to be automatically map to
the original IP.  So even without the proxy running, a call to NewIP
appeared like a call to OldIP to any outside machine.  So I couldn't
start tinyproxy because there was already something bound to NewIP:80. 
If I could figure out how to open a virtual network device and NOT have
it automatically link to the OldIP, I think this could be done on the
single machine.  I created the new virtual network with "ifconfig eno1:0
NewIP".  Perhaps I should create the virtual device in some other

Thanks for helping me think through this and getting me pointed in the
right directions.

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