d6jg wrote: 
> Ronnie
> By default VB puts music into /storage/music but it’s exposed by
> SMB as “music-readonly” or “files/music” IIRC.
> The latter is editable, the former isn’t.
> (I’ll check in the morning)
> VB 2.4,includes LMS 7.8 but it can be upgraded to 8.3 - not sure why he
> has not gone this route.
> LMS on the VB will need to be switched off but fortunately the
> instance(s) of Squeezelite are completely separate to LMS and are not
> “local player plugin”  so should continue to work. How you
> switch LMS off depends upon the version installed.
> Before troubleshooting the sound I’d get the pCP reading the VB
> files correctly. I don’t think VB has NFS server running so the
> mount will need to be CiFS. The default admin user is root/vortexbox.

I'm just thinking that the full pathway may help in connecting by CIFS
from the raspberry pi - if it is at all possible

> Mount Point - /mnt/Zen
> IP Address -
> Share Name - [whatever is gleaned from the full pathway]
> Share Type - CIFS
> Options - uid=1001,gid=50,vers=1.0 

If the op has a back up disk I would say use that, connected to the pi

Or copy them onto a disk via the Mac

I don't see the sense of running LMS on a pi and keeping the files on
the ZEN, either run the Zen or get rid of it.

Having been lightly singed by a LIV cubox donkey years ago, I'm not much
of an Innuos fan. 


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