lencoth wrote: 
> It's a 3B+ 
> I have tried sticking the SD in the card reader in a USB port, but it
> does not boot up. I'm only pCP on this device, not LMS. So I don't think
> that necessitates a USB thumb drive, as little is written to the SD
> card.
> Not too bothered about a few extra seconds boot time ;)

I have just burned v 8.0.0 pCP to a 4gb sd card in a Transend USB3 card
reader using Balena-Etcher

Stuck it in a rpt3+ (in the usb3 socket) left the sd card slot empty.

Connected it up (with attatched monitor to watch the boot)

There did not seem to be any major delay, everything booted as normal.

Maybe try a reburn of the Image


or a usb stick as paul- suggests

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