paul- wrote: 
> The -517 errors are normal….it’s just a timing thing.   The kernel only
> prints the errors, not the last success.  Also, upgrade To the latEst
> kernel, don’t use the next branch.

Thanks I will not upgrade the kernel any further unless I need to.

I would like to setup my Oled ssd 1306 with LMSMonitor however it sems
that the easiest way is via pCP. I tried googleling (a lot) and as you
mentioned people are not using pCP with audio injector stereo or orcto.
Maybee because our card has inputsound....   

You mentioned last year to one that he could try to add the driver to
config.txt as an overlay I tried the following:  #dtparam=audio=on, 
audio_pwm_mode=2, dtoverlay=audioinjector-wm8731-audio.

Is there anyway I can add the card to the list in Squezzelight settings
and change the alsa mixer settings ???? I enclose pictures from my
alsamixer and the setup page 


|Filename: Skærmbillede 2021-09-11 kl. 11.24.03.png                 |

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