Hello squeezebox community !

I'm actually facing a strange problem with squeezelite.

My goal is to achieve a multiroom rack system based on a Raspberry
running 6 squeezelite instance and 6 PCM2704 chinese DAC

The architecture system is :

Since these chinese DAC always got the same serial number or PID VID , I
firstly have to map USB permanently to avoid DAC mismatching at reboot

I've done that by use a rules.d as follow : 

    SUBSYSTEM!="sound", GOTO="my_usb_audio_end"
  ACTION!="add", GOTO="my_usb_audio_end"

I've then definited an alsa conf tog get correct audio output and

  ctl.USB1 {
  type equal;
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB1.bin";
  pcm.USB1 {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "plughw:USB1";
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB1.bin";
  ctl.USB2 {
  type equal;
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB2.bin";
  pcm.USB2 {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "plughw:USB2";
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB2.bin";
  ctl.USB3 {
  type equal;
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB3.bin";
  pcm.USB3 {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "plughw:USB3";
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB3.bin";
  ctl.USB4 {
  type equal;
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB4.bin";
  pcm.USB4 {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "plughw:USB4";
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB4.bin";
  ctl.USB5 {
  type equal;
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB5.bin";
  pcm.USB5 {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "plughw:USB5";
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB5.bin";
  ctl.USB6 {
  type equal;
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB6.bin";
  pcm.USB6 {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "plughw:USB6";
  controls "/opt/alsa/USB6.bin";

I then got a service than run an sh bash script as follow :

    #! /bin/sh
  # Run mutliple squeezelite instance as deamon 
  sudo squeezelite -z -n Cuisine -m 00:00:00:00:00:01 -o plug:USB1 -a 80:::0 -r 
32000,44100,48000 -C 5 -G 4:H -d all=info -f ~/squeezelite_cui.log
  sudo squeezelite -z -n Sam -m 00:00:00:00:00:02 -o plug:USB2 -a 80:::0 -r 
32000,44100,48000 -C 5 -G 17:H -d all=info -f ~/squeezelite_sam.log
  sudo squeezelite -z -n Sdb -m 00:00:00:00:00:03 -o plug:USB3 -a 80:::0 -r 
32000,44100,48000 -C 5 -G 27:H -f ~/squeezelite_sdb.log
  sudo squeezelite -z -n Chambre_parents -m 00:00:00:00:00:04 -a 80:::0 -r 
32000,44100,48000 -o plug:USB4 -C 5 -G 22:H -f ~/squeezelite_ch_par.log
  sudo squeezelite -z -n Exterieur -m 00:00:00:00:00:05 -a 80:::0 -r 
32000,44100,48000 -o plug:USB5 -C 5 -G 19:H -f ~/squeezelite_ext.log
  sudo squeezelite -z -n Free -m 00:00:00:00:00:06 -a 80:::0 -r 
32000,44100,48000 -o plug:USB6 -C 5 -G 26:H -f ~/squeezelite_res.log


all is apparently work especially with web radio it seems ok , but when
I change a song or play a youtube sound, there is no more sound output .
Why ? I don't know, tried a lot things, but since i'm not really expert,
cannot facing what's going wrong .

Logs of one squeezlite instance for example : 

    [17:29:52.227568] write_cb:145 setting track_start
  [17:29:54.889190] output_thread:685 open output device: plug:USB2
  [17:29:54.889348] alsa_open:354 opening device at: 44100
  [17:29:54.894290] alsa_open:425 opened device plug:USB2 using format: S32_LE 
sample rate: 44100 mmap: 0
  [17:29:54.897344] alsa_open:516 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size: 3528 
period size: 882
  [17:29:55.021197] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 48000 
replay_gain: 0
  [17:29:55.031401] output_thread:685 open output device: plug:USB2
  [17:29:55.032327] alsa_open:354 opening device at: 48000
  [17:29:55.037626] alsa_open:425 opened device plug:USB2 using format: S32_LE 
sample rate: 48000 mmap: 0
  [17:29:55.040597] alsa_open:516 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size: 3840 
period size: 960
  [17:29:55.048711] stream_thread:408 end of stream (1438987 bytes)
  [17:30:09.346598] _output_frames:73 skip 1200 of 1200 frames
  [17:30:15.869238] decode_thread:100 decode complete
  [17:30:24.665205] decode_flush:236 decode flush
  [17:30:24.665269] output_flush:439 flush output buffer
  [17:30:24.686591] output_thread:803 disabling output
  [17:30:57.195673] decode_flush:236 decode flush
  [17:30:57.195782] output_flush:439 flush output buffer
  [17:30:58.701996] codec_open:264 codec open: 'f'
  [17:30:58.702138] connect_socket:168 connecting to
  [17:30:58.702710] stream_sock:604 header: GET 
/stream.mp3?player=00:00:00:00:00:02 HTTP/1.0
  Authorization: Basic c3F1ZWV6ZWJveFhYWDpPMDBvMUt2eFJn
  [17:30:58.754975] stream_thread:335 headers: len: 493
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Server: Logitech Media Server (8.0.0 - 1605166211)
  Connection: close
  Content-Type: audio/x-flac
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-albumView=; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expandPlayerControl=true; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-MY_MUSIC=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-FAVORITES=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGINS=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGIN_MY_APPS_MODULE_NAME=1; path=/
  Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-RADIO=1; path=/
  [17:31:01.210840] write_cb:145 setting track_start
  [17:31:04.599047] output_thread:685 open output device: plug:USB2
  [17:31:04.599115] alsa_open:354 opening device at: 48000
  [17:31:04.603800] alsa_open:425 opened device plug:USB2 using format: S32_LE 
sample rate: 48000 mmap: 0
  [17:31:04.606691] alsa_open:516 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size: 3840 
period size: 960
  [17:31:04.609016] alsa_open:533 unable to set hw params: Broken pipe

Same problem on the second zone :

  [19:07:29.007736] output_thread:685 open output device: plug:USB1
  [19:07:29.008573] alsa_open:354 opening device at: 48000
  [19:07:29.018106] alsa_open:425 opened device plug:USB1 using format: S32_LE 
sample rate: 48000 mmap: 0
  [19:07:29.024095] alsa_open:516 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size: 3840 
period size: 960
  [19:07:29.028777] alsa_open:533 unable to set hw params: Broken pipe
  [19:07:29.302327] slimproto_stop:977 slimproto stop
  [19:07:29.402673] decode_close:221 close decode
  [19:07:29.431311] stream_close:512 close stream
  [19:07:29.453785] output_close_alsa:1033 close output

ls -l /dev/snd say :

  pi@multiroom:~ $ ls -l /dev/snd
  total 0
  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root        60 Apr 11 19:07 by-id
  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root       180 Apr 11 19:07 by-path
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,   0 Apr 11 19:07 controlC0
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,  32 Apr 11 19:07 controlC1
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,  64 Apr 11 19:07 controlC2
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,  96 Apr 11 19:07 controlC3
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 128 Apr 11 19:07 controlC4
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 160 Apr 11 19:07 controlC5
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 192 Apr 11 19:07 controlC6
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,  16 Apr 11 19:07 pcmC0D0p
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,  48 Apr 11 19:07 pcmC1D0p
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,  80 Apr 11 19:07 pcmC2D0p
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 112 Apr 11 19:07 pcmC3D0p
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 144 Apr 11 19:07 pcmC4D0p
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 176 Apr 11 19:07 pcmC5D0p
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 208 Apr 11 19:07 pcmC6D0p
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,   1 Apr 11 19:07 seq
  crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116,  33 Apr 11 19:07 timer

Chestroled's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59945
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97046

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