maciekelga wrote: 
> Hi,
> I have PiCore on RPi3 and need two functionality:
> 1. Set up one pin as output to connect external LED to see if PiCore is
> running or not.
> 2. Is possible to set up pin as on/off? I mean if is low level on GPIO
> than PiCore is should be disable, when is high should be active.
> Is anybody who can help me to set up as above?

I have set up a Raspberry Pi as a piCorePlayer/LMS server with a
momentary switch that has an LED. It uses the 'On-Off shim'
( set
as described 'here'

I wired the switch to the On-Off shim. You need to have a 1k resistor
between the -ve terminal of the switch and the On-Off shim (between the
-ve and GND).

Works very well, the switch is illuminated while the Pi is running.


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 4/pCP7.0/LMS8.1.2/Material  with files on QNAP
Touch > DacMagic 100 > Naim Audio Nait 3 > Mission 752 (plus Rega
Planar 3 > Rega Fono Mini; Naim CD3)
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3 (retired), 1 x SqueezeAMP
*Office:* LMS8.0.0 running on Raspberry Pi3;  Raspberry Pi 3 player with
touchscreen/piCorePlayer/IQaudIO DAC and Amp
*Portable:* Raspberry Pi 3B/pCP7.0.1/LMS8.1.2/Material, files on Seagate
portable drive, powered via power brick
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