On 8/19/07, Wade Preston Shearer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I am toying with the idea of dropping Mailman for Google Groups and
> would like some feedback from the group. Mailman is a nice, old
> friend that has giving years of dedicated service to the community,
> but his age is showing. Sure, once you get it configured and locked
> down, it will run like a champ for years on end, but installing and
> configuring Mailman is a royal pain and even adding/editing lists,
> administering services, and managing personal accounts is a pain. The
> interface is archaic and horrible from a usability standpoint.
> Mailman's features are excellent, but they aren't any good if you
> can't figure out how to use them or it is so complicated that you
> don't want to bother. Plus the archives aren't searchable. Plus the
> archives display your email address un-obsficated.

Just don't use Google for domains!  I think if they actually
integrated the functionality of Google Groups it'd be a perfect world.
 Google Groups is a nice idea and adding us to a list on there would
be fine with me.  Probably the only drawback is that the email
addresses wouldn't end in uphpu.org IIRC.



> While I have considered alternate solutions off an on in the past,
> the upcoming project of rebuilding the server has be considering it
> very seriously now. Another motivation is the desire for a more
> robust and flexible solution that better meets the needs of all
> users. I have longed for some time for a solution that married a
> forum and a mailing list into one, so that the forum people would be
> happy and the email people would be happy… with posts coming from
> both email and web-based interface and being one and the same…
> perfectly synchronized and users only interacting through the medium
> they desire and receiving notifications in the manner they desire.
> Well, there is a solution that does just this: Google Groups. And,
> it's free. And it has a very slick, user-friendly interface. And it's
> archives are searchable. And it obsficates your email address. You
> can even receive the post via RSS if you are so inclined. I am still
> checking to see if I can import our old archives, but assuming that
> that and everyone having to have a Good Account are the only
> downsides, what does everyone think? I think that I'm ready to make
> the switch. We would still post to uphpu@uphpu.org, the mail would
> just be delivered from [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead. It does
> digest mode and everything.
> What do you think?
> wade
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