On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 2:38 AM, Scott James Remnant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-10-28 at 23:55 -0700, Garrett Cooper wrote:
>>       This should be my last note for the night.
>>       Doing performance tests with upstart and initctl I noticed that
>> initctl reload eats up a ton of CPU cycles compared to initctl start
>> or initctl when running in a while [ 1 ] bourne shell loop.
> Do you mean that initctl uses more resources, or that init uses more
> resources when executing the command?
> reload is to reload all job definitions from disk, it's really quite
> expensive compared to start - which just changes a job state.

What I meant is overall initctl reload uses up a large amount of
resources; I was just wondering if there was a more lightweight
alternative planned because we may potentially be reloading the
configuration frequently, in such a case it wouldn't make sense to
reload all of the files necessarily -- just the ones that have

>>  We
>> currently use initctl reload for getting new jobs loaded into upstart
>> init; however, I was wondering whether or not:
>> 1. The method of getting new job definitions was the best choice.
> Upstart should reload them itself by watching the directory with
> inotify.

Hmm... ok. So this isn't implemented, but it's slated?

>> 2. Code coverage tests have been performed on upstart.
> Yes, the existing test suite has high code coverage.

Ok, good :).

>> 3. Optimizations have been discussed or planned for future minor
>> revisions of upstart, s.t. better methods could be employed "under the
>> covers" to reduce upstart's resource cost.
> They have not been discussed, but are always welcome.

Yes, I do think your suggestion for using inotify would be a welcome
improvement over having to use initctl reload. Let me see what my
group says and we'll get back to you about this.

> Scott


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