> considering the other 90% it never ceases to amaze me that 
> Supercard hasn't attempted to go cross-platform, while Livecode has.

There were several attempts made. There were some abortive attempts first at
remaking it with Quicktime/Quicktime Interactive, then there was Roadster,
which was their cross platform plugin. Often the Mac side was horribly
broken, then later the Windows side horribly broken. I know Richard and Ken
both have some tales to tell of those days.

I sold Supercard for a while (I used to use it years ago in my first
business in Japan). I got the Roadster plugin updated on Windows so that it
worked better than it did on the Mac, and even had a deal in the running
with a Russian company to basically remake their multimedia product on
Windows as Supercard for Windows. But it all imploded, it was acquired by
its present owners and now back to being what appears to be a very stable
and usable Mac only solution.

With the direction that Mac software sales are going, I wouldn't invest in a
Mac only technology except for something that isn't critical to my business.
Runtime's cross platform strategy is spot on.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Proactive International, LLC

- Because it is about who you know.(tm)

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