Sweet Mangos! It works (smile)

I was very close.. in fact I thought I had tried that before. Interesting that you cannot do the replacement in the field itself, you have to do it to the data in the variable *before* you pass it to the field. because

replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in fld "unicode_Script"

does not work.

Thanks Jacque


On 5/27/11 7:10 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
It was close though. LiveCode uses ascii 10 instead of ascii 13 for line endings. Those are converted automatically when you paste, but not when you put text into a field by script. So just replace cr with unix line endings and it works:

on mouseUp
  set the textfont of fld 1 to "InaiMathi,Unicode"
  answer file "Choose the Unicode for this song" with "OK"
  if the result <>"cancel" then
    get url ("binfile:" & it)
    replace numtochar(13) with numtochar(10) in it
    set the unicodetext of fld 1 to it
  end if
end mouseUp

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