On 12/9/19 6:30 AM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode wrote:
In this use case,

- the button "starWidget"  is a "standalone" button on an independent layer on 
the card  and not a part of any group
-- @Jacque... the groups that are trapping the mouseup I are background groups 
using on various card.
Mark Weider says "A background group will definitely get the message before the stack
script does. Also any script being used as a behavior."

BR: is this "really" expected behavior? gosh, I hope not! "Encapsulation"would 

If you set a group to have background behavior then it sits above the stack layer in the message path (or below, depending on how you view the layers). At any rate, messages will hit the background group before the stack script sees them. That's the way it is, the way it has always been, and the way the path was designed from the start. If you want something different you need to rethink your stack design.

 Mark Wieder

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