Oh, blast, I was wrong: I thought the author was Angela Banner: just shows you how long those books
have sat, untouched, on my shelf.

Thank you very much for the correction.


On 8.06.20 18:32, Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode wrote:

Times are hardly changing at all in substance, actually - this is nothing but a superficial change of costumes in society's grand parade of exquisite nonsense. Always a great pretense of love, always plenty of real hate and prejudice. The thugs and their victims do change in every Act of society's Play, fitting the fashions of the day, but either way it's still innocent people getting hurt.

For devotees of virtue signaling, let's cut to the chase - time to change your OWN names too! Lest Tom or Jane offend the perpetually triggered, not to mention the horror of David, Nancy, Joshua, or Billy with all the cultural skeletons that imaginative minds could attach to them. (I could, easily.) Let's be thorough and not stop half-way with the cultural lobotomy.

For those who love fake news and fictitious history, here's a true fact to completely ruin the day: I grew up deep in the real South (not the TV or novel versions) and heard a number of derogatory racial terms for all races including my own, but NEVER once Sambo. At least not by real live English speakers in that region - again, books and TV aside. The point of real derogatory terms would be to sound nasty and hurtful, and in most places where I've been, Sambo just wouldn't cut it. Sorry. Maybe it could have been a problem up in the North or out in California (I have no idea) but certainly not in the South where I was.

For book burners and those who love censorship, here's the ultimate downer: the glory of Gutenberg, still going strong!


Once enough people finally tire of pretense and corruption and control, the smart and honest people of every background can and will finally get on with the REAL business of a non-prejudiced society to benefit real people. And it won't be anything like the media/mob fantasy.

Speaking of cheese - even "Cheddar is better" or "I only own Provolone" would seem amazingly intellectual and relevant when compared to mind-numbing trends like this! But I dare say LiveCode topics would be even MORE relevant than either Sambo or the wonders of cheese! Not to mention talented/hilarious Vikings and glorious, marvelous sp*m....

Always in love, but always with some intelligence too,

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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