I’m getting pretty curious about this bug :)

Testing  mouse clicks- and not stacks jumping position when moving their 
location - I find that a stack that is successfully moved between the four 
quadrants of the screen - accepts mouse clicks accurately in the bottom-left, 
top-right and bottom right quadrants - but in the top-eft quadrant the 
mouse-click interactions are offset vertically in a way that is compatible with 
the stack jump. So if you manage to locate the. Stack without it jumping - in 
the top-left quadrant the mouse clicks are off.

Monitor settings are set for default value of the MacBook Pro display. I think 
I’ll make a short video of this behaviour.
On 9 Oct 2020, 14:35 +0100, David Bovill <david.bov...@gmail.com>, wrote:
> Also tested on Livecode 8.1.5 with same results.
> On 9 Oct 2020, 14:00 +0100, David Bovill <david.bov...@gmail.com>, wrote:
> >
> > Windows intermittently jump to a location on the screen when I move 
> > windows. It’s got too annoying to ignore.
> >
> > • Is anyone else having this problem?
> >
> > I am testing this on Mojave and Livecode 9.6.1 rc2. I am testing this 
> > without any of my own code such just was IDE stacks. This I “think” is 
> > quite a long standing bug that I suspect is related to the global 
> > coordinate system as I have been working around this for quite a while now.
> >
> >
> > Detail
> > The location of the jump seems to be the same horizontal x location. But 
> > with the vertical value being reset to the halfway point.
> >
> > I am testing by. Simply moving the message box. It is intermittent - so 
> > occurring about once every 5 moves, and strangely is happening only when 
> > the top left of the stack window is within the top left quadrant of the 
> > screen. Using. The following code int eh message box I find the top of the 
> > message box stack is always 492 after a jump (see below). This appears to 
> > be related to half the screen less the decorations like menu?
        > > put the screenrect & CR & the rect of stack” Message box"
        > >
        > > 0,0,1680,1050
        > > 215,492,634,640
> >
> > As a further indication that the problem is due to the IDE, I find that 
> > creating a test stack (no scripts or controls) exhibits the same behaviour 
> > - but this behaviour can be suppressed by choosing “Suppress Messages” from 
> > the “Development” menu. This suppression has no effect on the message box 
> > or other IDE windows which still jump intermittently.
> >
> > The problem is most intense when working with multiple screens. For at 
> > least a couple of years stacks I create and place on second or third 
> > monitors receive mouse clicks in the wrong location. This happens on 
> > different machines, and different. Monitor setups. Only tested on Macs.
> >
> > I am currently creating a multiscreen app - so taking the tracking down. Of 
> > this bug more seriously. The current tests are one on my laptop without 
> > external monitors, and having restarted the computer (several times). 
> > Applications other than Livecode don’t suffer this problem.
> >
> > How should I report this bug - should I submit a video / screen recording?
> >
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