Jerry Jensen wrote:

Always take advantage of a good excuse to rewrite your code. The first pancake 
is never the best one!

Well said.

The SC->Rev converter RunRev used to offer was okay but not completely bug-free, and Ken's was more complete but it was so long ago and SC has added so many objects since then that I don't know how valuable either converter would be today.

But even with the best possible converter, Stephen pointed out the weakness with such an approach: at best you're using only the features that intersect between the two tools, so you'll never get an optimal LiveCode solution with an automated converter.

I've done enough SC->Rev conversions over the years that I'm fully convinced that automation is not the most productive thing to do. Seductive perhaps, but not productive. You just miss too many opportunities to streamline objects and code for LiveCode-specific ways of doing things that it's almost always a better investment of time to use the SC version only as an inspiration for making a native LiveCode version from scratch.

As for XML version control:

It's possible to write an XML description of a stack and reproduce it with complete fidelity. In fact, the ability to set the ID of any object was added specifically to support such efforts, and I believe such a project is in development now to help LC devs use standard version control systems for larger projects.

But it's a lot of work and a lot of time spent on the version control process that could be spent on product features, so the cost/benefit analysis should be done carefully for the project at hand.

In my own projects I usually have teams of between 3 and 5 devs, and we usually assign stacks to programmers according to their skills and interest so there's rarely any overlap. In fact, the largest xTalk project I ever managed had 20 devs building a CBT system for a Fortune 500 company and we still used only a stack-based check-in/check-out.

One of the attractions to more granular version control is the ability to have multiple devs working on the same objects simultaneously.

But is that something you really want to do?

That seems more of a project management problem than a technical one, raising questions about optimal skillset usage more than simple workflow management.

Factoring a project into UI stacks, library stacks, and other stack-based components can make it easy to manage teams of the size we commonly see with LiveCode projects, using simple with-the-grain methods of stack-based check-in/check-out like Magic Carpet and similar solutions.

Stacks aren't the ideal dividing line for all project management, but for the sort of stuff we see in this community they often provide a clean and simple solution that makes keeping things on track a breeze.

 Richard Gaskin
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