On 05/26/2012 05:04 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

On May 26, 2012, at 1:22 AM, Richmond wrote:

You should not need to change the suffix unless you are installing it for 
Revolution instead of LiveCode.
I am, and your website claims that your plugin works for ALL versions (might be 
a wee bit
of an over-generalisation - think of trying it with RunRev 1.0).
I only claim all versions of LiveCode and versions of Revolution 3.5 or later 
not all versions of Rev.
You are correct that if using Revolution the extension needs to be set to 
".rev". I'll update the web page.
HOWEVER; it is awkward s*ds like me who can push your plugin to its extremes, 
and that isn't
necessarily a bad thing.
I want people to push it.
On May 24, 2012, at 8:25 AM, Richmond wrote:

The installation instructions on the website are incorrect vis-a-vis Linux.

In Linux installs (well 4.0.0 and 4.5.0 at least) the Plugins folder resides 
inside the same folder as the executable.

If you are using something a bit older than LC 5.0 don't forget to change the 
suffix from '.livecode' to '.rev' on the plugin.

Over on my PPC Mac, inside the 'Documents' folder there is a 'My Revolution 
Enterprise' which is potentially HIGHLY MISLEADING
as, if one right-clicks on the executable one finds at /Contents/Tools/Plugins 
just the right place to put lcTaskList.rev
Yes it should work there.
On opening the stack for my Devawriter Pro ( RR 4.5, macMiniPPC, Mac OS 10.4) 
the plugin does nothing at all except slow things down considerably.

Let's have a go on Linux ( RR 4.5, DELL Optiplex 745, Xubuntu 12.04 with XFCE 
4.10) - much the same.

Now: is this not working because of Linux? Mac PPC ? Old versions of RunRev ?
Double check the instructions at 
 for the installation of plugins. I would expect your setup to be able to work.

That seems all very straight forward, and as that is the way I installed the lcTaskList plugin I am NOT surprised that it shows up
in the menu /Development/Plugins and load when it is selected.

But . . .

Ahah: Gottit! Opened a rather silly little stack of mine and wrote "--MARK Visichko" into a card script and it "automagically" appeared in the
plugin's field/ datagrid (???)

So certainly works in RR/LC 4.5 on Linux. I would assume that that goes for Mac PPC as well. I have to hop out for supper with some friends, but afterwards I will run your plugin with RR/LC 3.5.0, 4.0.0 and 4.5.0 om both Linux and PPC; and, just for fun (???)
give it a whirl with Metacard.

HOWEVER: the "Ahah" may be interpreted in 2 ways (both of which are a possible problem for you):

1. Richmond is a bit stupid and it took him quite a while to realise that unless he added those comments into his scripts they
would not appear in lcTaskList.

2. Your instructions are not clear enough.

Of course #1 would not be a problem if #2 were BLATANT.

AND . . . how does one use the plugin to count script lines in a stack?

Bill Vlahos
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