On 5/18/13 5:04 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:
While at the conference I found time to figure out a couple of
things. I used arrays for the first time (in LiveCode that is), and I
found hardware acceleration settings that worked well.

The test I did was to have a scene doing parallax scrolling. The
initial scene is made up of five slices, each 1024 wide, and
significantly tall too. Those need to be on the card twice each, so
that you can scroll the second copy into view as you move. That went
well enough, so I added 101 LC logos to the scene, and it still moved

This is pretty amazing. We took an extra week in Scotland after the conference, and very little internet access, so I just now had a chance to look at the stack. I'm really impressed.

The only thing I'd add is a closestack handler that stops the pending messages when the stack is closed. I noticed the fans in my iMac went wild and LiveCode was using 100% of the CPU, which I tracked down to pending messages. I suppose that isn't an issue on mobile but on desktop things get quite lively. (For some reason it kicked Finder into 100% CPU too, so I had 2 processes going full speed for a while. I had to relaunch Finder to get it to stop.)

Still, the effect was worth it. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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