On 06/12/2013 11:03 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 6/12/13 2:52 PM, Richmond wrote:
On 06/12/2013 10:34 PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
6,000 lines of scripts that you set in the development environment?
normal. 6,000 lines of scripts that you execute with "do" or that you set
as scripts within the standalone? That's unusual (in LC).

I have 6,000 lines under an image that has an identity problem and
thinks its a button (well, I have
buckets of the things), now I have all sorts of rawKeyDowns that send
"mouseDown" and "mouseUp"
signals to those images.

Obviously (!?&*) when I spin each version of my thing off from its stack
as standalones those scripts get
rolled up inside the standalones.

Script limits apply/applied only to scripts created on the fly within standalones. Scripts written in the IDE have never had limits. A standalone can now issue a "do" command with a script of more than 10 lines. It couldn't before.

Thanks for a super, clear and concise explanation.


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