Hi Ray,

Hence the "send ... to me in 0 milliseconds"

Btw I'm still testing, because it doesn't seem to work sometimes.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 1/31/2014 23:17, Ray wrote:

That's a very interesting message you're working with here; the
'editScript' message.  I wasn't aware of that one.

It seems like that would be the logical place to trap for something like
this but in a simple script such as this one inserted into the front...

on editScript
    put the openStacks
    pass editScript
end editScript

I'm only getting the following stacks listed in the message box:


Notice the absence of the "revNewScriptEditor 1" stack.  This means,
while trapping for the editScript message seems like it might work, it
unfortunately doesn't work (at least I can't get to work) since the
script editor window is, at the point editScript is trapped, not yet in

I've also tried your handlers, below, and not had any better luck with
them, I believe for the same reason that the script editor window isn't
yet open when the editScript message is trapped.

Thanks anyway, though.  If you have any other suggestions I'd love to
try them.


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