Hi Ray,

You're doing it wrong. Have a look at the send command in my script. It is quite obvious.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 2/1/2014 00:16, Ray wrote:
So here's what I'm trying:
    Make a stack called "Test Front Script" with the following script in
its one and only card:
          on revEditScript
           answer the openStacks
          end revEditScript
    Put the "Test Front Script" stack in the Plugins folder
    Launch LC and make a New Mainstack
    Choose Development/Plugins/Plugin Settings
    Choose the Test Front Script, select RevEditScript in the list and
close Plugin Settings
    Click on Development again, drag to Plugins and choose Test Front
Script which opens it

The revEditScript message is now trapped when I open the stack script,
but just as before, the only stacks listed as the openStacks are:
    Untitled 1

Evidently the "revNewScriptEditor 1" is still not yet in existence and
thus can not be located anywhere.  That is, if I leave the script editor
window open and open another script I get "revNewScriptEditor 1" listed
in the openStacks, but by now it's too late.  The window already opened
partially off the screen.

Am I doing this right?



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