> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 09:35:12 -0800
> From: Richard Gaskin <ambassa...@fourthworld.com>
> To: use-livecode@lists.runrev.com
> Subject: Re: Wolfram language
> Message-ID: <530e25d0.5030...@fourthworld.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> Jim Hurley wrote:
>> And, Richard, as a petty aside, that formula and graph in the forum you cite 
>> don?t ?compute.?
> Not petty at all.  It's just one more reason we love having you in this 
> community:  you help keep our math straight.
>> But there is another significant difference between LC and what one might 
>> achieve in the new
>> Wolfram-enabled LC.  One cannot plot a truly smooth curve in LC. The curve 
>> is always a set
>> of line segments joining a set of discrete points. It is similar to the 
>> difference between
>> bit map and vector graphics.
> Hopefully that can change now that LiveCode uses the Skia library for 
> its graphics primitives.  If memory serves Skia supports Beziers - could 
> those be used for what you're looking for?


Thank you. I'm afraid I really haven't been keeping up. Could you, or any one, 
provide me with an example that shows how to use the Skia library?

Here is an example that illustrates what I mean when I say that LC cannot plot 
a smooth curve. 
It will *plot* a circle and also place a circle of equal size next it using 
LC's graphic tools.
They are close, but the plot shows the pixillation no matter how many points 
one choose for the plot.

Just put this into a button script.

on mouseUp
   if there is no grc "circle" then create grc "Circle"
   set the style of grc "circle" to polygon
   set the points of grc "circle" to ""
   put 200 into R  
   put R+10 into  x0   
   put the height of this card /  2 into y0
   answer "By what fraction of a degree between steps would you choose?" with 
"1" or "2"  or "3" or "4"
   put it into tFraction
  --Draw the circle
      repeat with Ang = 0 to 360*tFraction
      put R* cos(ang*PI/180/tFraction) into x
      put R * sin(Ang*PI/180/tFraction) into y
      put Round(x0 + x), Round(y0+y) & cr after tPoints
   end repeat
   set the points of grc "Circle" to tPoints
--Show the oval
   if there is not grc "oval" then 
      create grc "oval"
      set the style of grc "oval" to oval
      set the width of grc "oval" to 2*R
      set the height of grc "oval" to 2*R
      set the loc of grc "Oval" to x0 +2* R + 10, y0
   end if
end mouseUp

> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Systems
>  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
>  ____________________________________________________________________
>  ambassa...@fourthworld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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