Hi Terry,

Since the arrays don't add any efficiency in this case (as expected), perhaps it is a good idea to use a different approach. I understand that even fields should always have backColor 62,117,215 and white as the foreColor, unless line tLineNum of tSelectedData is not true. If line tLineNum of tSelectedData is not true, then you want even end odd fields to have different colours. There are a few ways to increase speed here.

First of all, you can make a group with colorized fields. Depending on how often line tLineNum of tSelectedData is true or false, you can give fields the required colours and only set the foreColor and backColor of a field if it has to change. This could increase speed by almost 50%, again depending on the values of line tLineNum of tSelectedData.

You can also change the repeat loop, using constants instead of variables. If I'm not mistaken, your repeat loop should now look like this:

   repeat for each line tRecData in tData
      put item 1 to tCols of tRecData into tFldData
      put 1 into tFldNum
      if line tLineNum of tSelectedData = true then
         // commenting out the following lines,
         // assuming fields have these colours by default
         // put "62,117,215"  into tBackColor
         // put "255,255,255"  into tForeColor
         repeat for each item tCellData in tFldData
            put tCellData into fld tFldNum of me
            // the next two lines should no longer be necessary
            // set the backgroundColor of fld tFldNum of me to
            // tBackColor
            // set the foregroundColor of fld tFldNum of me to
            // tForeColor
            add 1 to tFldNum
         end repeat
         if tLineNum mod 2 = 0 then
            repeat for each item tCellData in tFldData
               put tCellData into fld tFldNum of me
               set the backgroundColor of fld tFldNum of me to \
               set the foregroundColor of fld tFldNum of me to black
               add 1 to tFldNum
            end repeat
            repeat for each item tCellData in tFldData
               put tCellData into fld tFldNum of me
               set the backgroundColor of fld tFldNum of me to white
               set the foregroundColor of fld tFldNum of me to black
               add 1 to tFldNum
            end repeat
         end if
      end if
      add 1 to tLineNum
   end repeat

This could be a little faster.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
KvK: 50277553

Use Color Converter to convert CMYK, RGB, RAL, XYZ, H.Lab and other colour spaces. http://www.color-converter.com

Buy my new book "Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner" http://qery.us/3fi

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On 3/10/2014 16:30, Terence Heaford wrote:

Set thText is just a setProp routine in the group to receive the return/tab 
delimited data.

thText then sets a custom property of the group plus the scrollbar settings 
depending on the number of lines in the data

displayData is the only routine that places data into the fields.

All the best


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