On 03/19/2014 03:13 AM, Richmond wrote:

I'm sorry, but I am not going to take responsibility for your decision
to read the Use-List using a mobile device.



<everything from here on down has been removed to save mobile users
'pain' and to decontextualise the posting>

I don't know that there's any need to be so snarky. It's a fairly common request in mailing lists that care be taken to avoid quoting unnecessary text in replies, and it doesn't just annoy people on small screen devices.

If only we can get people to stop nesting responses within quoted text, which can make for dizziness after a couple of rounds of replies. Of course, that's one of your favorite techniques... (Yes, I understand the logic, but it only really works for the first reply or two which makes it seem to me to be an arrogant strategy. I know this has been discussed here before, and I also see the problem is getting worse.)


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