On 19/03/14 21:34, Warren Samples wrote:
On 03/19/2014 12:39 PM, Richmond wrote:
to do this I have had to nest
responses so that each response-let connects to each of your points.

For whose benefit? That was not in any sense necessary. It was your preference. You could have just as easily constructed a coherent response addressing all the points in a single block. It wouldn't have taken advanced writing skills to do. I am confident you are capable of this.

What I meant be "arrogant strategy" is that after more than a couple of rounds, a thread in which people are nesting comments often becomes very difficult to follow and respond to, which may limit further responses. Also, useful information can become buried and hard to extract, which naturally makes it potentially less useful. I don't mean to imply that you or anyone is motivated by these negative possibilities, I do wonder, though, how much thought is given to them. "Short-sighted" might be another appropriate and less inflammatory description.

I have noticed that you are not alone in preferring this approach; I only seem to single you out because I was replying to you. Rest assured I dislike it just as much when someone else employs it. That's what motivated me to say the problem (as I see it) is getting worse.

If I were offended by the 'arrogant strategy' comment I would have been dead or locked up in a secure mental hospital years ago,
so don't worry yourself on that one.

Of course my 'nesting' (tweet, tweet, chirrup, chirrup) is a subjective decision.

But, in our multicoloured, many-splendoured world, almost everything, from how you hold your knife and fork to how you walk down the road, is bound to offend someone. This is why political correctness is a nonstarter, because it is an attempt to offend no-one.

The ONLY way to offend no-one is to keep one's mouth permanently shut; at which point other people will think you are stupid, rude or
trying to to be clever for your own good.

I am quite an expert at offending people, having done it all my life, and at 52 have got to the stage where I have, quite frankly stopped worrying about who I offend beyond my nearest and dearest, and, from time-to-time those who employ me. I can only imagine the awful level of stress people put themselves to if they are constantly worrying about how they might offend someone.

------------------------------------- daft story follows ------------------------

Many years ago (well, about 24) my best friend Charles (who is Indian and Black) and I were at a cocktail party at the InterContinental Hotel in Al Ain (UAE) when an American woman said to me, "Oh, Richmond, is this your black friend, I've heard so much about him." then turning, she realised that Charles was right next to me, so she said, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean 'black' in an offensive way." To which Charles replied, "I'm black; that's the way God wants me to be, and I know God loves me just as much as he loves you."

We then had a laugh at that poor woman's expense (we were young and thoughtless) thinking of how stressed she must have got thinking
she had made a faux pas!

My friend Charles is still my best friend (although, sadly he and his family now live in Melbourne so we can only communicate over the internet), still black, and still with a robust sense of humour and his own value in the world. I am still white, red-haired (although going white
in patches), and still offending people on a daily basis.

My kilt, having been eaten by moths last year, has been chucked out.

A new kilt is currently being made for me in Perth (Scotland) both as a replacement and to cope with my middle-aged spread, and will be delivered in time for me to attend my younger son's graduation from his prestigious High-School in Germany; the effect should be most pleasing amongst all those long-faced upper-class Prussians.




Best, Richmond.

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