On 2015-08-29 23:05, Monte Goulding wrote:
On 29 Aug 2015, at 10:22 pm, Peter TB Brett <peter.br...@livecode.com> wrote:

This looks like the sort of thing that's best off being looked at by Mark Waddingham. Unfortunately my last day before my annual holiday is the day before he gets back from his annual holiday, so I'm not going to be able to bring this up with him for at least a couple of weeks. Can I suggest that you e-mail him directly?

I’ll just wait for Mark to get back. It’s a simple one but there’s
obviously dire consequences for your stack objects if you set the
scriptOnly to true so I’d like to get the nod before bothering. The
engine forum has gone fairly quiet lately but the original idea was we
would propose stuff we wanted to do then get the nod on syntax and
whether it would be accepted if we did it etc. It may be that script
only stacks are short term and the long term plan is not to have these
scripts be stacks but update start using, back|front script and
behavior to point to files rater than objects. Is that why they aren’t

I *think* Mark will be back in the office on Monday, so he'll probably see this exchange

At the moment I usually treat normal stacks and script-only stacks as totally different things. I think of normal stacks as places for UI and trivial glue code, and script-only stacks as places for complex handler libraries and behaviours. They have different filenames too (.livecode vs .livecodescript). My instinct is that adding a way to switch a stack back and forth between normal and script-only isn't very intuitive, and could cause "dire consequences" as you suggest. On the other hand, having a *read only* scriptOnly property (or some equivalent) sounds like it could be pretty useful.

We *really* need documentation with more structure. I can't remember how one tests what sort of object something is, and the dictionary isn't giving me any hints...

Or just submit a PR on GitHub, that'll make sure it doesn't get forgotten about. ;-)

I actually had some PRs that were forgotten about although I think
both of them have now or will in the future at least become irrelevant
because of widgets.

Oops, sorry. I shouldn't let these things slip through the cracks. It's a lot easier now that there's a defined process for accepting contributions! The processes for community contributors and LiveCode employees are now pretty much the same -- the only two differences are that 1) we still can't accept binary stack changes directly (sorry :-/) and 2) employees don't have to sign the CLA.

If you've got some PRs that have been overlooked about but which are still relevant, let me know and I'll try and make sure they get looked at...


Dr Peter Brett <peter.br...@livecode.com>
LiveCode Open Source Team

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