Every week I look at the newsletter, and in the "Interesting discussion" section I find pointers to the uselist discussions.

I follow the uselist pretty closely, but have never found an acceptable way to follow the forum discussions, so I rarely read anything on there (except if an entry on the uselist contains a pointer to a particular discussion).

Does the fact that the weekly newsletter always references interesting discussions on uselist but not on the forums indicate:

(a) all the interesting discussion happens there, and I am right to (almost) ignore the forums
(btw - :-)

(b) it is assumed that everyone follows the forums anyway, so there is no need to mention their discussions in the newsletter.

(c) whoever draws up this part of the newsletter is, like me, a uselist follower rather than a forum user.

Or of course,
(d) something else entirely.

-- Alex.

On 11/01/2016 10:47, Peter TB Brett wrote:
Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

    Read issue #15 here: https://goo.gl/obZk4h

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been going on in and around the open source project. New issues will be released weekly on Mondays. We have a dedicated mailing list that will deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


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