I also agree that tools/widgets should be cleaned up.  The number of button
and field tools, in an age of widgets, especially, is too many.
Slightly off-the-subject, but for usability, command-9 and command-0 are a
PITA to reach for me, as a right-hander, when my right is usually on the
trackpad or mouse.  Remember the HC days where it was cmd-tab, cmd-tab-tab,
etc.?  How about cmd-`, cmd-`-`?  For rightities, it's much eaiser to reach
when your right hand is on the mouse/trackpad.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 8:36 AM, RM <richmondmathew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2.03.2016 23:57, Peter TB Brett wrote:
>> On 02/03/2016 21:45, Roger Eller wrote:
>>> I very much dislike those super dark icons in the new IDE. Especially
>>> when
>>> the icons in the Tools menu are a completely different shade of gray.
>>> They
>>> should be consistent across the IDE.  I also dislike jerks.
>> Thank you.
>> Which specific "icons in the Tools menu" are you referring to?  I don't
>> seem to have any icons in the "Tools" menu on my system.  Do you mean the
>> widget icons in the upper half of the Tools palette, or the miniature
>> pictures of controls in the in the lower half of the tools palette, or
>> should I be looking somewhere else entirely?
>> It might be quite straightforward to tweak the colour used to draw the
>> widget icons, so it might be a quick fix.
>>                                         Peter
>> The widget icons are dark grey on pale grey, and that gives insufficient
> contrast.
> R.
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On the second day, God created the oceans.
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