On March 2, 2016 at 4:29:17 PM, J. Landman Gay 
(jac...@hyperactivesw.com<mailto:jac...@hyperactivesw.com>) wrote:

> The idea was to be able to select things in the PB that may not be in
> view, even on totally different cards or stacks, and be able to work
> with them without going there. Hilited lines indicate which objects will
> be affected. This could be useful. On the other hand, there is now a
> disconnect between visible selections on a card and objects you can act
> on within the PB.

I'm already fond of this feature. I may have the property inspector open for 
one object but i want to edit the script of a different one. Being able to 
click the other object script lines number without losing the current selected 
object is, IMHO very useful

> Selections also act slightly differently in the Property Inspector. It
> used to be you could shift-click several objects and then double-click
> any one of them to open the multi-object inspector. That doesn't work
> now. Instead you double-click one object on the card to open its
> inspector and then shift-click objects to add more. That causes the
> alignment icon to appear at the top left of the inspector, and the other
> icons will operate on all the selected objects.

Agreed.. this is an issue. I'm always needing to align controls.

  There are multiple issue with the prop inspector.  Not sure how best to 
tackle them.


0) Script editor needs its own top level icon in the Prop inspector! Already 
requested, but in DP15 it did not happen. If you need space then move the 
geometry manager icon off to the advanced pull down. Editing scripts comes 
waaaaay ahead of geo manager in dev priority.

1)  the card title of prop inspector goes dim if you click on the stack. The 
greyscale level is so low i can barely read it.

2) we cannot resize the content area for fields of custom props! ouch!

3) after setting a color in the colors, there is no "Clear" option. you 
actually have to right click and choose "reset to default"  which is OK I guess 
once you try that, but newbies will be frustrated

4) no tool tips for the icons at the top. Those who have poor visual memory 
(many coders do) will have this subtle "what does the icon do" reaction. Please 
add the tool tips.

5) Graphic effects icon doesn't make any sense... looks like another pencil or 
something. Better to have a small circle with a gradient or something.

6) Entering custom props is messed up (already reported and confirm)...

7) Button icons icon doesn't make visual sense... find an icon that looks like 
an icon.

This is just the beginning. Far, Far from any kind or release candidate IMHO.

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