On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 5:20 PM, mwieder <ahsoftw...@sonic.net> wrote:

> revUpdateGeometry is in the script of stack "/Applications/LiveCode Indy
> 7.1.4.app/Contents/Tools/Toolset/libraries/revgeometrylibrary.
> livecodescript",
> which should be in the backscripts and available to all stacks unless you
> have specifically removed it.

I haven't removed anything and have a single library stack of my own.

> I'm assuming you're doing your debugging in the IDE, and not in a
> standalone
> application.

Yes, but I'm not even debugging when this happens--It's during the initial
load of my stack.

With this tip, I opened the offending script.  To make things curiouser,
the offending line, 478, is the blank line:

   *--relative scaling of Bottom*

               *if* the cREVGeometry[tProfileName,"scaleBottomObjectRef"] of
control id tControlId is "card" *then*

                  *--scale Bottom in relative reference to the card*

                  *put* the cREVGeometry[tProfileName,"scaleBottomDistance"]
of control id tControlId into tDistance

                  *--we assume relative to bottom*

                  *put* round(tDistance * tCardHeight) into tDistance

                  *put* tCardHeight+tDistance into item 4 of tObjectRect


                  *put* the cREVGeometry[tProfileName,"scaleBottomDistance"]
of control id tControlId into tDistance

                  *put* the cREVGeometry[tProfileName,"scaleBottomObjectRef"]
of control id tControlId into tObjectRef

                  *put* tIDArray[tObjectRef] into tObjectRef

                  *put* round(tDistance * tCardHeight) into tDistance

                  *# TH-2008-07-07 :: Bug 6391, similar problem to
elsewhere, should be making use of the*

                  *# top not item item 2 of the loc*

                  *--put item 2 of the loc of control id
tObjectRef+tDistance into item 4 of tObjectRect*

                  *put* item 4 of the rect of control id
tObjectRef+tDistance into item 4 of tObjectRect

               *end* *if*

with another stack used for logging and checkpoints, I"ve found that a line


  was where it was reaching in preOpenStack before the errors attacked.  By
changing this to

send "setScLst" to stack "mcp"

it stopped having them then, delaying them until later.

This itself seems wrong; this is in the preOpenStack of mcp itself; a check
the line before shows that mcp has its behavior set.  Since setScLst is in
that behavior, how can this possibly make a difference?
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
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