Thanks for the reply; although, as I am not Bulgarian (as my Bulgarian wife of 25 years never stops reminding me: "If you were Bulgarian I never would have married you. This, of course, is a highly ambiguous statement which may be interpreted in a number of ways . . .) you don't need to stretch to Bulgarian, although, of course, the interesting Q is where that came from in your memory :)

--- serious programmers; tune out NOW! ----

Frankly your formal grammar is about 100 better than mine as I have never attended any Bulgarian lessons, having "breathed in the language" along with the jolly old Eastern European pollution: which, as the nurses said when I was lying around in my own sweat in a heart attack ward about 3 years ago was just as well, because my crappy grammar kept them laughing so much through their night shifts that they were very nice indeed to me while I was lying there "intubated" after the merry op. for thrombosis. The question, which my stupid GP (who was quite unable to see the heart attack coming) didn't ask, even though she was insulting my grammar every time I went to her for my 6 monthly "oil-and-filter" until I asked her if she could say "Hello" in any other language than Bulgarian (which made her shut up for good as she is probably more monoglot than anyone else on the planet), is, was the heart attack brought on by the eastern-European pollution or my worries about not being up to par with Bulgarian grammar.

Tell you what, though; I couldn't have managed to have written all the nonsense in the preceding paragraph without the "assistance" of half a bottle of "Starosel" white, a jolly efefctive Bulgarian 'fermented beverage' (my wife, with whom I share all thing (except my obsession with Livecode)
drank the other half; but, being Bulgarian stayed stone cold sober).

---- OK: serious programmers: time to refocus -----

Notwithstanding the above, the problems with the "slash-zero" seems to be on several levels; or, as someone wrote on the Computer teachers' forum to which I belong: how on earth does one describe
abstraction layers to 12 year old children: a tough call indeed!


On 2/24/17 6:36 pm, David V Glasgow via use-livecode wrote:
I think you are correct, Richmond.

Blagodarya vi mnogo (transliteration from vague memory, so apologies if 

Best wishes,

David Glasgow

On 22 Feb 2017, at 2:04 pm, Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode 
<> wrote:

Frankly I would just take a look at the Unicode convention's guff:

U+2205 is a sort of "O" with a slanted line through it:

If you stare at this PDF long enough you might get a free trip without having 
to reach for the LSD!

This is NOT really the problem. What is the problem is whether the stuff "under the 
hood" in your operating system recognises U+2205 as the null set character or not.

I would suggest the "quickest route to heaven" is to ask Microsoft and Apple 

This would seem to suggest that Windows has not jettisoned all its pre-Unicode 

While ASCII 00 may result in a null set character being inserted in some 
Windowsy code, it may not
be displayed as the "happy" slashed zero.


On 2/22/17 3:15 pm, David V Glasgow via use-livecode wrote:
Hello, folks.

I already posted this, but no response.  I have a bit more informations and new 
areas of confusion, so I thought I would try again.

I have a group displaying a number of single character fields which can be clicked 
on to populate other fields.  Essentially a pick list.  One of the options is the 
null set character ( the O with a line through it, U+2205).  I have tried to find a 
cross platform font that displays it on Mac & Win.  I got some apparently duff 
info that Trebuchet would do the trick,  It is OK on Mac, but appears as the 
mystery character box on Win standalone.

So I did some more digging, and it is listed among the characters displayed by 
unicode Arial MS.  So I set the fonts accordingly and again it works fine on 
Mac, but when I test a build on Windows, I get the mystery box.  This really 
surprised me.  I did wonder whether I might get the NUL symbol appearing as 
letters top left to bottom right (U+2400), but the no such character surprised 

I have never attempted any unicode jiggery pokery - is that what I need to do, 
and if so, any guidance?

Best wishes,

David Glasgow
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