
for the video guys amongst you.

As we know windows can't play h.264 mp4 videos with the old by LC used
directShow API natively. You have to install additionally mp4 filters. I am
using the LAV filters in my projects, which usually work fine and the mp4
videos can be played from my LC 8.1.4 programs fine.

But from time to time, I have a customer, who can't play my  videos in my LC
program on his windows 8.1 or windows 10 computers, though the LAV setup was
successful, at least without errors. And without videos my programs are not
usable. I couldn't find any solution yet for those customers and didn't see
any common factor of the affected machines.

I don't want wo change the h.264 codec, since it runs fine on most of the
machines and yes, we tested without antivirus enabled. Since I can't
reproduce the issue on any of my machines, it is very hard to drill it down.

Has anybody experienced similar problems with mp4 videos on windows and has
found the critical issue or missing link?

Thanks for sharing




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