By "in the Finder" I mean in a Finder window looking at the application. Doesn't matter if I'm using icon, list, or column view. By "blank" I mean blank. :-) No icon appears next to the application name. You know how in a Finder window you see your application names with an the icon in front of them (or above them if you're using icon view)? Well, my application has no icon. Not sure how much more clear I can be.

The icon files are there in the bundle, just as they should be. That's what's so weird about this. And when I look at the preview for my icon file, I do in fact see the image just fine. It just doesn't display in front of the application name. No idea why. Using touch does not make any difference. I've tried logging out and even restarting the computer just to be sure and nothing changes.

I still think it's something with the icns file itself. Does anybody know if there are any published specs anywhere for icon files?

On Aug 20, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Chris,

What do you mean with "in the Finder" and "blank"?

If you open the application package, go to resources. This folder should contain a file Revolution.icns and RevolutionDoc.icns. If these icons have a file size equal to 0 or if they simply don't exist, just put your own icon file there and give it the correct name. Now use one of the methods to "touch" the application package and you should see the icon.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 20 aug 2008, at 17:28, Chris Sheffield wrote:

No go. Already tried that. That was the first thing I tried cause I've had that happen many times before. But usually in that case there is still an icon, whether it's the generic app icon or whatever. In this case, however, there is absolutely no icon. In the Finder, I see the name of the app bundle, but where the icon should be, it's simply blank.

On Aug 20, 2008, at 9:17 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Chris,

The icon doesn't appear, because the OS doesn't know about it yet. You can touch the icon with the shell function, you can zip and unzip the file, or get the info window and click on the icon in that window followed by a press on backspace key. There might be more tricks to make the icon appear.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

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Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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