Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, Jim Bufalini wrote:

That MIGHT work, but the client would prefer an
out-of-the-box-with-nothing-else-required-for-the-user-to-do solution.

WAV stands for "Windows" Audio, so by default, Windows Media Player is
configured to play WAV files. If it's not, it means they already messed
around and installed some other player on the machine which "stole" the WAV
format and assigned it to itself and then they deleted the player and so now
there is no player associated with WAV.

Actually, I don't believe this is the case.  My version of Windows Media
Player on Vista (which says is version 11.x) is fine playing WAV files, but
with dontUseQT enabled in Rev, a player whose filename is set to an external
WAV file refuses to play (error: could not open video player).  This is on a
machine that does have QT installed, but I believe the behavior is the same
on machines without QT: even though WAVs might play directly from WMP, they
don't in Rev.  I was quite surprised to discover this and just goes to show
how desperately in need of updating are Rev's audio facilities.

As far as Richard's question goes, the only way I know of to play a WAV file
reliably on Windows without QT is to import the WAV into Rev as an
audioClip.  But then I don't believe you can control the start/stop time or
similar properties.

I can't think of a workaround to the problem other than to control an
external playback mechanism using sockets, COM, MCI, or whatever facilities
are available for the player.

Hopefully it won't come to that. The client is evaluating the tradeoffs of requiring their customers to install QT, and maybe that evaluation will be favorable for this project.

It seems the reason Rev stumbles with native Win playback is that it's using The API That Time Forgot - here's Trevor's comment from a year and a half ago in

   Just a note that movie files that play in Windows Media Player
   won't necessarily play in Rev because Rev uses MCI, not the
   modern media APIs.

MCI?  Ah yes, from the days of OS/2...

I hate having to tell a client that Rev can't do something so basic that affects some 80% of computer users.

 Richard Gaskin
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