
Amidst the cheer of the holidays, the MegaBundle and other goings-on, friend Bill Marriott passed away after Robin Miller lost his daughter. MJ and I are deeply saddened by these losses to our community and to the Miller family. I trust and hope their prayers will all be heard.

Bill loved passionately all aspects of the software lifecycle...development, design, marketing. We're dedicating this version of tRev to him.

We just completed our most sweeping series of changes to tRev. Much of this is beneath the covers. Let's start with what you can see. We now have a way for you to keep track of the handlers on which you're working. It's called the Scratch Pad.

The Scratch Pad is simply a list of links to your favorite handlers.
- It persists from session-to-session.
- It is there whether in code editor or object browser mode.
- It can be edited in-situ or through its own editor.

There's a nice slide show and a video of the Scratch Pad in action:

tRev is No Longer a Palette

I've made tRev's window into a standard window--it was a palette. Now you can minimize, maximize, close...all in very standard ways across both platforms. On Windows, when you iconify or uniconify Revolution IDE, tRev iconizes or uniconizes right along with it.

Basic Architectural Revamp

I've also redone the tRev application itself and its file architecture so that...
- You can run multiple instances of tRev/Rev pairs (up to 100).
- There is now only one components folder.
- Least-used ports are employed during our inter-app communication.

Proxy Support

I've also added support for HTTP proxy servers in the prefs and whenever you encounter connection problems.

That's about it.


Jerry Daniels
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