Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 3:03 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
I have a weird connection which drops my socket about 25MBs into a 34MB
upload using libURL.

The session transcript ends with:
socket error <ip>|6927
Error 54 reading socket

What is error 54?

"Connection reset by peer".

But does peer mean the server or your app?
Is it a timeout thing?

Thanks, Sarah.

FWIW, I've found that I can upload the file to the same server without difficulty at home, it's only here in the office that the connection times out.

I think it may be a router thang, but I've reviewed those settings and I can't turn up anything that seems relevant.

But oddly enough, I find that I can upload the same file to Dreamhost without difficulty; it's only with Bluehost that I have this issue.


 Richard Gaskin
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