On 09/03/2010 08:18, Scott Rossi wrote:
Recently, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

PNG may not be as convenient for animation as something like animated GIF,
but you can create animations by showing PNGs sequentially in an image
object (set the text of image "viewer" to the text of image
"frame1.png"...), or by sequentially setting the icon of a button to the IDs
of PNGs.

Well . . . you can do that with any format that RunRev can cope with,
it does seem terribly clunky, or, Heaven forfend that I should let the
pass out my gab: "terribly Hypercardy".

The advantage of this method is that it is easier to control things such
as animation
speed than with animated GIFs.
"Clunky" or not, PNG is better for several reasons:

- GIF is capable of only 256 colors, PNG = much more
- GIF supports only 1 bit mask (1 level of transparency), PNG supports 8 bit
mask (256 levels of transparency)

Besides, animated GIF format is simply the data of a bunch of GIF frames in
a single file.  If you want this same thing in Rev, import a bunch of PNGs
as custom properties of an image.  Presto.  A single object with multiple
frames, sans the "clunkyness".

I was not advocating animated GIFs over the other method: animated GIFs are
fairly awful!  What I was doing was being anti showing sequences of images
as it seems rather resource hungry.
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