Le 13 mars 10 à 17:18, Len Morgan a écrit :

I'm trying to use my first Data Grid (table) in a stack and I need to set the column Header alignment for a few of the columns. Following the instructions in the DG manual, I entered the alignments using the message box and it looked fine. But then I resized one of the columns and all of the alignments changed, some of them even aligning themselves such that only half of the text showed in the column.

Do I need to set the alignments every time the grid is displayed? If so, where can I do that?

Bonjour Len,

I had a similar problem.
I assumed that your are centering the headers?
Anyway, could be that your resized column is not wide enough; at the right side of each header, a space is kept for the arrow icon which shows the sorting direction. If the header is centered, then the column must take this space into account otherwise the header is not entirely visible (seems like shifted to the left) Widening a bit your column should allow you to see the whole text of the header.

If this does not solve your problem, could be that a script in the revdatagridlibrary has to be completed (It was the case for my problem) but I prefer that Trevor helps you if such a modification is necessary ;-))

Best regards from Grenoble


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