The data will be stored in a different stack. How does that make it different?

Bill Vlahos

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:08 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <> wrote:

Bill Vlahos wrote:
The goal is to allow the user to save a file of any format, encrypted, and password protected. Therefore Rev can't be counted on being able to display it. I know I could save the file to disk and then issue an open command but that would leave a copy on the disk. Is it possible to present the file from Rev so that the program (Word, etc.) would be able to open it directly without saving it to disk first? The following example writes the file from the custom property to disk and then launches it:
on mouseUp
put the uFileStore of button "Save File" into URL "binfile:ScreenShot.png"
  set the filetype to ""
  launch document "ScreenShot.png"
end mouseUp
Is there a way to skip the writing to disk part and just open it directly?

If it is another stack, then Rev can open it from memory. Otherwise, no. The usual solution is to write to the temp directory, with an obscure name if you want, and then delete the file later when you're done with it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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