Yes, I forgot about the "show all file extensions" preference. I have it off, but when I turn it on and look in my Applications folder in the Finder, all of the other apps now have ".app" appended, but "Microsoft Word" doesn't. Neither does Powerpoint or Excel.

And when I try
   answer file "Pick an app:"; put it into a;put a
I get, eg, "/Applications/" no matter what the Finder settings are but I also get "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/ Microsoft Word" no matter what the Finder settings are as well.


-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

On Jun 18, 2010, at 12:17 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Peter Brigham MD wrote:
Hmm... On my system (MacBook, OSX 10.5.8, Rev Studio 4.0.0-gm-1, build 950) the following works fine:
  launch "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Word"
  launch "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft"
does not work. In the Finder on my Mac, the MSWord application does not have the ".app" suffix, so I would have been surprised if using "/Microsoft" had worked, since it doesn't correspond to an identifiable file on my drive.

I'm sure the ".app" suffix is there, OS X needs it. The Finder has an option to hide extensions though, and probably that's set on your Mac. I think hiding them is the default setting; I always change it back to show extensions. But I'm not sure why you can't launch Word when you do include it, since it certainly exists on the file bundle. I wouldn't think Rev would discriminate between file names based on the user's visual view.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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