On Mon Aug, 2010, Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com wrote:


I'm working on InstallGadget 2 and an InstallGadget plugin for rev. The plugin is well suited to using drawers on OS X to integrate IG settings with the standalone builder interface. I'm just wondering what people think I should do on Windows? Has anyone done drawer emulation and is it worthwhile and appreciated my users?

Check out InstallGadget 2 & the plugin on Facebook and you will see what I mean about the drawers ;-)


I do not know if you could use an old stack of mine for your Install Gadget, but it is indeed a drawer emulation for all platforms:


The stack demonstrates the use of "drawers" without using the new "drawer" command introduced in Revolution 2.1.2. Therefore these forms of drawers can be implemented also with older versions of Metacard and Revolution and on any platform. Drawers can slide out and back at any point of the rectangle of the main stack and even in diagonal directions.

From the "information" pane of the stack itself:

"Using and modifying the scripts of the "drawer"-buttons you can create any number of drawer stacks that can slide out in any direction.

1. Set the starting point of the drawer to any point of the sides of the drawerbase.

2. Define the direction of the drawer movement in the repeat loop

3. Modify the respective close buttons

Drawers can be created for any platform and with Rev or Metacard versions lower than 2.1 or 2.5 as these examples do *not* use the new "drawer" command available at present - August 2003 - only in version 2.1 of Revolution (2.5.1B3 of Metacard) and only for MacOS X."

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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