On 9/22/10 11:44 AM, William de Smet wrote:
Hi there,
It seems I have the same problem!
I use almost the same code as Joseph (asked earlier today) to print on
A4 paper. When I want a PDF preview on OSX everything is/looks fine.
When using the code  below and adding 'open printing to PDF'  about
1/4 of the printed text is cut off.
Is this a bug or are we doing something wrong?

open printing to pdf "test.pdf"
  set the printRotated to true
  set the printMargins to 72,36,72,36
set the printScale to 1.1
print this card from 193,90 to 833,570
close printing

One thing I just found out is that PDF printing will cut off text and ruin the layout if you have formatForPrinting set to true on Windows. It is the one time you do not want to use that property for printing text.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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