
I tried this:

on mouseUp
   reset printing
   set the printPaperSize to 595,842
   set the printPaperOrientation to "landscape"
   set the printmargins to 72,36,0,0
   set the printscale to 1.1
   open printing to pdf "test.pdf"
   -- add  error check here
   print this card from 193,90 to 833,570
   -- add error check here
   close printing
end mouseUp

And I get the right part of my images, rectangles and fields cut off. It cuts off at the unrotated paper width.

It looks like it scaled right, but it has the cutoff.

I tried setting the rotated paper size after setting orientation, but it is the same. I think with some other fiddling, parts showed up but not all.

I'm not an expert at all the printing parameters, but it seems to me you are right. It seems there is a bug. Maybe somebody with more printing experience can say.

Dar Scott

On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:44 AM, William de Smet wrote:

Hi there,
It seems I have the same problem!
I use almost the same code as Joseph (asked earlier today) to print on
A4 paper. When I want a PDF preview on OSX everything is/looks fine.
When using the code  below and adding 'open printing to PDF'  about
1/4 of the printed text is cut off.
Is this a bug or are we doing something wrong?

open printing to pdf "test.pdf"
 set the printRotated to true
 set the printMargins to 72,36,72,36
set the printScale to 1.1
print this card from 193,90 to 833,570
close printing


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