out of curiosity, are you changing the files in /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2
if in httpd, try apache2 (if you're pretty sure you're setting them up
right) or if trying apache2 try httpd
Assuming both folders exist.

And did you turn in ExecCGI in the options for whatever directory you're
setting up?

Pretty much just the 3 things
and add ExecCGI to the options line

Options Your Options Here plus ExecCGI
AddHandler rev-script .irev
Action /cgi-bin/revserver
All within a <directory... ... >  </Directory> block.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Phil Davis <rev...@pdslabs.net> wrote:

> Hey folks -
> I'm trying to figure out where I'm going wrong as I try to get revServer
> going on my Mac Mini. I have followed all the advice (I think) in the great
> emails from Devin Asay and Mike Bonner from July 20 and I see my test.irev
> page being served but without the <?rev ... ?> stuff being preprocessed - in
> fact the HTML isn't rendered as HTML either; it all comes into my browser
> window as text.
> Any clues?
> Yes, I'm restarting apache after making each carefully-commented-so-I
> can-back-out change to httpd.conf. My apache logs don't show anything
> unusual.
> My outcomes don't seem any different whether the revserver filess are owned
> by nobody:wheel or phil:admin.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> --
> Phil Davis
> PDS Labs
> Professional Software Development
> http://pdslabs.net
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