A few times in the past I've bought these discounted bundles, where you get 
perhaps a dozen applications for less than the price of the most expensive of 
them. It's generally a good deal, especially if there's just one of them that 
you were already thinking about buying at full price. Those economics may seems 
crazy, the software developers must be getting 1/10th the amount they normally 
would. But then they are probably selling to more than ten times as many people 
as normal, so overall they have earned more in the same period that usual.

It doesn't matter anyway, because where they go on to make more money is in 
upgrades. I have several bits of software that I keep up on the upgrades. The 
developers may well have made five times the original amount from me. So, in 
the Mac App Store there will be lots of winners. All the current publishers 
could sell a lot more copies of their apps by lowering the price as much as is 
viable, and later they will make money off those buyers when the upgrades come 
out (I don't think upgrades will be expected to be free like they are with iOS 
apps). Then there is all of us, people who might not be able to convince a 
publisher to carry such a niche application. We'll be able to submit 
applications, and some of those might be as big a hit as Plexxr, for example.

If I took a guess, I'd say that Mac Apps will be typically $9.95. That's not 
quite as impulse purchase encouraging as $0.99 or $1.99 is, but it's still is a 
reasonable figure. I dare say there will be tie-ins too, where you create a 
desktop app that works along with a mobile part. Then you make $10 for one and 
$2 for the other.

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